Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wyatt's Birthday Party

Our sweet friend Wyatt turned three last Tuesday and had his party at the Tucson Children's Museum over the weekend. What a blast it was. When we arrived, all the kids were getting their faces painted. Gehrig got a monster truck painted on his cheek. Then after touring and exploring the museum for a bit, we enjoyed pizza and cake. Yum. The kids even had the opportunity to go on their own dinosaur dig! How creative is that??? After much hard work of chiseling and brushing, Gehrig dug up his very own Stegosaurus! We are really going to miss Wyatt (and Miss Joanna) when we go!
We got him a beach pail full of swim stuff: a towel, a kickboard, goggles, a pair of super squirters and water balls.
Checking out his monster truck!

Scientist Gehrig and his microscope!

Silly Daddy!!!

In the submarine

Shark Attack!

Gehrig and the birthday boy!

Colin loved the drums!

Wyatt and Gehrig waiting for cakeWyatt had a skateboarder cake!

Mommy's way of doing things:

Colin's way of doing things:

Waiting for the Dinosaur Dig to start!

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