Saturday, July 11, 2009

Just say Uncle!!!

This week we got to see two "uncles; " my Uncle Jesse and Gehrig's Uncle Goose! Jesse was in Vegas teaching "space" to the weapon school instructors at Nellis AFB, so we were able to meet up for dinner one night at a BBQ joint. Jesse's daughter, my cousin, is 4 years old, one day older than Gehrig, so Jesse was getting his "four year old fix" that he had been missing all week!

And look who else we found! Uncle Goosie!!! He got in later and couldn't make it to dinner, but we did get to see him for a few minutes! We are hoping that we get to see him a lot more while he is here for Red Flag at Nellis AFB! Hopefully we can head out to the base one day and see him fly his F-16 around! They boys would love that!

It is so great having visitors! We are excited for our next group of visitors to come! Grandma Carole and Grandpa Jerry will be here Monday!


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