Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Super Swimmer!

Last Thursday was Gehrig's last day of swimming lessons for the Pike session. I am considering signing him up again for another two week session in a more advanced class since he had so much fun and learned so much. Here are some highlights of the last two weeks!

This is Gehrig's first time going off of a diving board.
All ready to go!
His teacher's walked them out to the end of the board and helped them off the edge!
Bombs Away! I wanted to get his teachers helmets since all the kids aimed right for them, instead of the water! Ouch!

Growing up, I remember learning 'chicken,' 'bird,' soldier,' but in his class Gehrig learned 'monkey,' 'tree,' 'rocketship!'
Swimming with the barbell. They also practiced jumping off of the side into the hula hoop!

Toward the end of the two weeks, he wasn't as hesitant.
Their last day was a combination of "Safety Day" and "Fun in the Sun Day." They practicing wearing and swimming with life vests, calling (yelling to) the life guard for help, they talked about calling 9-1-1, and learned to pull others in to safety.

For part of their "safety training" they learned to rescue a potential victim by pulling them to safety with a pool nooodle. Here is Gehrig getting ready to save Miss Erica! Gehrig practicing his back much easier with a swim vest on!
Jumping off the diving board with no help...he came a long way!
Swimming back to the edge while putting his face in the water.
Another fearless jump!

On their last day, the kids got treats! Gehrig with his stock pile! Gehrig with his Certificate of Completion for his Pike's swimming lessons!
I made these clipboards for his swimming lessons instructors as a thank you gift.

Emilee's clipboard-frontEmilee's clipboard-backErica's clipboard-frontErica's clipboard-back
Gehrig gave his teacher's their gifts, and they really seemed to love them. Erica, Gehrig and Emilee after Gehrig's last session.



  1. Way to go Gehrig!!! Love all the pictures. I had Ethan look at them with me. He wants to take lessons so badly and insists that he can't learn to swim (from Mommy and Daddy) until he's completed his lessons.

  2. Yay Gehrig!!! Looks like you did a GREAT job in swimming lessons!! I cant wait to come see you and go to the pool with you! Love, Grandma Joan

  3. What a neat swimming class! Good job, Gehrig! Loved the clipboards you made for the teachers...they look wonderful!

    Happy Wednesday!
    ~Michelle :)
