Thursday, August 6, 2009

Surprise!!! Surprise!!!

Does this look like the face of a little boy who is super surprised and super excited or what????? We planned on having Tyler ring the doorbell, but Gehrig walked outside looking for me and acutally surprised us! He kept saying, "You sure did drive a long way just to come see me!"

Best buddies together again!

Tyler, Gehrig, and Kadi after the happy renion! We are having such a fun time! Stay tuned for more pictures of the all exciting adventures we are having!



  1. Glad you are having a good time...hope you enjoy every minute and make lots of memories to treasure!

    Have a great weekend!
    ~Michelle :)

  2. Gehrig!! What great friends you have that came all the way from Arizona to see you!! Have fun! Love, Grandma Joan

  3. that pic of gehrig is sooo cute at the front door! glad you're having fun. i think dawn called me on the long drive~ i haven't seen any of you for a while, tell dawn i'll call her..... and you call me when you're back in az!

  4. I am sure that the "Best Buddies" had a great time!! What a neat surprise for Gehrig!!
