Sunday, April 25, 2010

Little League T-Ball Opening Day

Well, the day Gehrig had been waiting for finally came. You may remember this post reporting that we had signed Gehrig up for T-Ball. No sooner had we signed him up, he was on the phone with both sets of grandparents inviting them to Opening Day! So, you can imagine how special it was that all four of them were able to make the day-long road trip to come out and cheer him on! It was a special day for Gehrig!
Here he is posing for a few pictures before the ceremony began.
Gehrig with his Grandma Joan and Grandpa Dub!

Gehrig with his Grandma Carole and Grandpa Jerry!

We were so sad that Daddy had to miss his opening day, but lately Chris has been having such a crazy work schedule!

After his obligatory photo shoot, he headed over to the dugout with his team to get ready! He was so happy to score the #4 jersey. You can't be named after Lou Gehrig and not wear the #4 jersey!!! All set, waiting with his team in the dugout.
Colin was all set to go, too! Hmmmm, when is this thing going to start????Guess I will take some ground balls while I wait.
Gehrig's biggest fans and cheering section.The Marlins were the first team to take the field! The announcer introduced the team and called each player out by name. The head of the association gave them a high-five and handed them their official Little League pin.
Number 4....Gehrig Gesch!!!!After receiving his pin. He looks so proud.
Marlins on three! ONE!!!! TWO!!!!! THREE ........
MARLINS!!!! Taking a knee in the outfield to enjoy the rest of the ceremony. They were the first team called, so they had a long wait out there. Gehrig was chosen as the T-Ball representative to say the Little League Pledge.

Look who was able to show up!! DADDY!!!One group shot!!After enjoying the free hot dogs at the stadium, the Marlins headed out to the outfield to take team and individual pictures.What a good looking little team!Of course, I made Gehrig pose for one more!

Thank you so much to Grandma Joan, Grandpa Dub, Grandma Carole, and Grandpa Jerry for sharing in this special day with us! I know that it meant so much to Gehrig to have you here! We love you!


  1. looks like fun! that is awesome that the grandparents were able to come!

  2. looks like fun! that is awesome that the grandparents were able to come!

  3. We will have to come cheer Gehrig on sometime! Love the Brewers gear! ;-)
