When Gehrig woke up and placed his last star on his calendar, he knew that it could only mean one thing! DADDY WOULD BE HOME TODAY!

So, we did a few last minute preparations in anticipation for his return. We made his favorite Oreo dessert, we hung up the banner and we bought some red, white and blue welcome home balloons.

Our family is back together again! YAY!
Daddy brought home with him a couple of his classmates who were making their way to Las Vegas. We loved having Mr. Steve and Mr. Rob with us. Can you tell that it had been a long two-day road trip from San Antonio to Tucson?????
So So glad Daddy is home and all you are back together!! Enjoy your time together! Love, Grandma Joan P.S. The boys did a GREAT job on the banner!!
I know you are all so glad to have daddy at home!! Have fun!
Love, Aunt Jo
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